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Dave says, "Harvest Moon is actually fulfilling whereas Farmville is intentionally addicting and pointless. Plus in Harvest Moon you can have cute cows that grow up! I have a super-old-school Super Nintendo that I love to play. But only Super Mario World and Mario Kart. Even though I'm not too into video games, there is something therapeutic about popping one in and zoning out for an hour or so. Harvest Moon looks like a cute game! That totally looks like something I would love! I had Nintendogs on my DS for a while, but I would seriously stress about taking care of my pup Kibbles. It was bad enough that I would wake up in the middle of the night because I would think I didn't feed or pet her, and I was worried that I'd turn on the game and find she'd run away. I could never just stop playing, so I gave the game to my friend's daughter instead. I still wonder how Kibbles is cheap heaves moon the homeland ps2 parental control. Haha, I thought of Farmville while reading the description but I don't play it so I can't tell you if it's similar. Your thoughts - go! Wednesday, July 6, Though I do not play videogames as much as I used to in say, college - whenever I feel like taking a break from life, I will flip the switch on my DS, pop open a game of minesweeper, or attempt to wrestle Sak for control of the PS3. I lose - he's playing his freebies from the fiasco. Lately I've been playing Rune Factory. Yes - it's an older game, but I always play games long after they first hit the shelves because I'm cheap and have a ridiculously hard time paying full price for uh, anything. It's by Natsumethe creators of Harvest Moon. My very first Harvest Moon game was "Save the Homeland" for the PS2. I told you I am cheap. That's just how it is. The basic tenets of Harvest Moon are simple: you start with a bag of seeds, crude tools, and a farm in which to cheap heaves moon the homeland ps2 parental control your living. You plant, water and harvest - you buy and raise livestock, and make friends with the local community. You upgrade tools, your farm, your home. And the best part - you woo and propose to your choice of the neighborhood girls or guys, if you're playing the elusive girl's version.

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